Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Fire Integrity Testing - Smoke Testing and Remedial Works

Fire Integrity Testing - Smoke Testing and Remedial Works

The majority of fire enclosure test failures are caused by the lack of enclosure integrity or the ability of the enclosure to adequately retain the extinguishant. The correct initial design concentration is achieved but the enclosure is not able to retain it for the required/recommended holding period which is usually 10 minutes.

Remedial work should then be undertaken to reduce the leakage from the protected enclosure. This could include:

  • Sealing all holes, cracks or penetrations leading into or out of the protected space
  • Pipe chases and cable trays to be sealed around the outside and inside where they         penetrate the perimeter boundaries of the enclosure
  • Walls to be caulked around the inside perimeter at both high and low level
  • Sealing of porous block walls
  • Addition of door sweeps or drop seals, weather stripping around jambs
  • Sealing of windows/glazed sections to the area
One of the advantages of the sealing works being conducted whilst a test fan kit is in place, is that by utilizing ongoing smoke testing air leakage paths can be quickly found and sealed resulting in a fire enclosure test pass.

If you require our fire enclosure testing services, please call Darren on: 07775623464 or email us at: 

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